
After I read

"Between The Lines",

my brain started to work as an ice-cold unstoppable fire
when I decided to make The International Employment Service, for one million people,
where each person can show, what they will do in their spare time, practically anonymously.

The International Employment Service is not a club or association, but a bit of Formwork in eternal development, for independent thinkers from all corners of the world, who have decided to work on their own, for neither more nor less than 1,000 Danish kroner an hour, in their spare time, or an equivalent payment, while studying night and day to see how and why others started their enterprises, large or small.


One major form

is the only form you need to fill out if you simply want to be found in The International Employment Service.





is the backbone of nearly anything,

that goes also for you, nobody will ever find you in The International Employment Service if they don't know it exists, so as soon as you also can see into the future, then find a few ways to advertise, that don't cost you a farmhouse or all your spare time but are convenient for you.

When there are one million in One major form, then you may not advertise anymore, and you may never advertise in any illegal way anywhere at all of course.

It is easy to print a few simple advertisements.
If you don't have access to a printer, then write with a ballpen.
Write your number on the back, so you get the credit for your advertising,
cut them into pieces, place them in your pocket, and put them in random mailboxes during the day, without a second thought, but only where it is legal. Print and cut some additional pieces if you are going on a longer journey.
If you have Google Sheets then you can copy this page, change the number in the top left corner, then the number will change automatically in the other places, and print it on the back of the page.
Most people can learn how to do that in less than an hour on average each time, but only a few can see the value of it, without thinking.

Friends and family.
If you have any family or close friends, then give them all a personal hint, with a bargepole, but don't forget to give them your number from One major form, so you can get the credit for the hint.
If it is possible then show them how to use Hemmings web, and how they can get their own number, but you may in no way persuade anybody to anything.

Friends on social media.
It is easy to send a message, like the one below, via Messenger, and maybe by other means, to each of your friends.
Just copy the text between the dotted lines and paste it into a message or e-mail,
but remember to change My number, to the number you can get in One major form.

Take it easy,
and don't reply to this, it is just a hint with a bargepole, for I have never got a link like this from you, so I don't believe you have seen that page. That is the reason I am sending the link to you. It's a little experiment to find out how easy it is to find people who can read "Between The Lines" in English or any other language.

My number is 1,004

I wish you and yours all the best in the future.
Take it easy, but take it, sooner or later.



you can show that you can perform,

is not without significance, but it is the smallest in a series of equations, so I will not spend too much time on that right now.



is somewhere in a whole other world,

in connection with The International Employment Service.



is alpha and omega for everything,

learn what you want to learn. If you can't learn it from others, who understand the stuff, then learn it on your own.



can be obtained from many different sources,

so it is very important to check that the information you rely on is correct. The information you provide, wherever you do it, must of course also be correct.



inside The International Employment Service,

for people who can deliver, almost anything you need is so easy, that it might as well be a lie, when you know how to hunt.


Before I stop

I will just say,

I wish you and yours a prosperous future, besides everyone else of course, regardless of whether you use The International Employment Service or not.

I found the background image here.